Tuesday, January 25, 2011

330 Steps

I climbed stairs today - 22 flights of stairs, approximately 15 steps per flight. 330 steps. That's only 10% of the number actually in Machu Picchu. I'm sure it will be thousands more by the time I'm done hiking the Inca Trail. I pictured myself on that trail today, motivating myself to keep going up. I had to stop to catch my breath several times and it took me almost half an hour to do it, but I will get faster, stronger and better.

I've decided that one of the benefits of my new job is that I can eat at my desk while I work. That frees up my actual 30 min lunch time for things other than eating. Hence the stairs and I will become intimately acquainted in the future. I even bought a pair of tennis to leave at work to facilitate the habit. I do aim to make it a habit. 28- 30 days of an activity to make a habit right? Something like that? Well, I work 4 days a week, so that will be about 7 weeks before it's habitual, but I'm going to work at it.

Granite stairs inside Machu Picchu.

Stairs on the Inca Trail

I'm surprised at how exciting it was to climb the stairs with a mental image of each step getting me closer to my health, fitness and travel goal. It felt very positive.


  1. Fantastic! I love these pictures... all I can think of is, i wonder how many geocaches I could find if I went with you... =)
