Sunday, February 20, 2011


I have successfully quit with the caffeine. It's been about two weeks now. I am sleeping better, drinking more water and not feeling the up and down throughout the day that caffeine offers. Sugar also creates a bit of a roller coaster for me of eating, emotion and headaches. So - it has to be next.


I plan to eat a lot of these:

And walk a lot of these:

This picture is taken from the last flight, just before the 6th floor, on the second time up, standing on about stair #296. There are 150 steps up to the 6th floor. 30 between each floor. I typically go up twice so I get a total of 300 steps in total.

I am planning to have a great week and celebrate successfully kicking my sugar habit and cravings in a couple weeks. And no, I wont be celebrating with cheesecake. I'll raise up my green smoothie glass. Have a happy Monday!


  1. I'm proud of you, Love. And the blog is great. I'm learning lots and getting excited about going there. Wow, I have a long way to go in my own fitness quest to be ready for that climb.

  2. Hey girlfriend!
    Good for you! I would love the receipe for your green smoothy!
