Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Day One

Sunday was DAY ONE - again. Steven is home for the next couple weeks and we are both dropping into a very healthy eating plan. We both have some goals for the what to accomplish over the next couple weeks. Mine are to lose 7 pounds and get under 250 lbs. I also want to start the habit of rising earlier and getting some exercise to start off my days. I am also hoping to eliminate my sugar cravings. Sunday went great. Good eats and not too bad on the cravings. We even went to a movie and were successful at passing up the popcorn and candy. I'm proud of myself today. My alarm is set to get up for am exercise. We've even talked to Ethan about exercising with us in the morning as a way to get past the obstacle that he wakes when we get up. We'll see how that goes. I'm feeling positive and motivated.

For Suzanne -
Thanks for the compliments on my clean house. However, just to keep it honest - (whispers...I have a housekeeper). So...I can't take much credit for the clean house. Those pictures were taken on the day she comes. In fact, I can prove that it is often a very lived in house and much in need of the housekeeper's visit.

I admit that I struggle with having a housekeeper. I tell myself: I can do it, the kids need to learn to do it and it costs too much money. I've gone without help for months and find that since I work so much, what time I do have at home is spent cleaning, fussing at the kids and not enjoying being home. When the house gets cleaned every week it frees me up to come home from work and just savor the moments. For me, that makes it worth the money.

I still need to teach the kids to clean up though. Elleri just recently complained about having to pick up her toys when asked. She said 'I wish we had a maid'. I laughed and explained that we do. She says, 'yes, but I want her to pick up my toys too.' I sat her down and explained what her chore list would be like if our housekeeper didn't come every week. Elleri quickly picked up her toys and had little more to say about it except thank you. Teaching them will be a work in progress. I'm so grateful to have a clean house. I find it more relaxing and more pleasant to be home. I also say thank you every week.

Here's my proof that I just happened to take pictures on a good day.

Yes, it's really evident that my desk and laundry are the two most difficult to keep clean and sorted. Not having a garage yet makes a huge impact on the laundry room I've found. I'll get both cleaned up one of these days. There have been several times that the housekeeper can't even begin to clean the laundry room or find my desk to dust it. *grins

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