Wednesday, January 19, 2011


At my healthiest I was a habitual exerciser. Hmm, Maybe that's over stating it a bit. What I mean is, I exercised on a regular basis. I never enjoyed it, never desired it, never missed it when I skipped. I was the smallest and most fit I'd been since grade school however. I had people tell me I was too skinny. My plan was simple. I didn't eat anything after 5pm. I ate whatever I wanted to all day long. I would even have a candy bar for breakfast if I felt like it, but at 5pm - I stopped eating. At about 630 I went to the gym. Every night I would do cardio and then either swim or lift. I followed that by a hot sauna and shower, then go home and usually went to sleep. I weighed about 122-125 pounds. I was still a size 8. I'm not sure I ever would have fit into a 4-6 since I was 6 years old.

So - I need to exercise. It's a bit of a magic switch for me and there is no doubt that exercise will play a big role with my success on Machu Picchu.

I enjoy Pilates, I'd like to try yoga - hot yoga in particular. I have an elliptical in my house and Kettle bells. There is absolutely no reason to not exercise. Except for myself of course. Today - I'm going to exercise. It might only be 20 mins, but I'm going to do it.

I have a real tendency to plan a big, comprehensive attack plan and then when I can't achieve it because I bit off too much, I quit. So, I'm just going to plan for today and instead of planning to do all the types of exercise available to me I'm just going to do one, probably pilates because it's my favorite. Then tomorrow I'll try to pick something else. Then we'll see for the next day.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to go with you to a hot yoga class... the heat is amazing, it can be a little scary for some as it feels heavy to breath, especially with the added yoga.. but you drip with sweat, and your body is more flexible than normal. When i left I felt refreshed and somewhat cleansed... I recommend a few normal temperature yoga classes first so that you know the poses, they are simple, but with the added heat you'll feel more comfortable in your body if you don't have to worry about what you are doing. Most hot yoga classes do the exact same moves throughout. There is a place downtown that I highly recommend. 20 Minutes is awesome... =)
