Monday, February 14, 2011

Green Smoothies

Green smoothies, actually in the case of this one, purple smoothies are my new best friend. This one is kale, bananas and blueberries. It was delicious. I have been VitaMixing up two quarts and drinking them throughout the day. I am finding that I am not as hungry as typical. I have also kicked my caffeine habit over the past 4 days. I have to admit that I started out by eliminating caffeine and sugar simulaneously. It did not go well for me. I was rather grumpy and not a very good mother. So - I chose to carry on with the caffeine and I have had sugar in things (like ketchup), but nothing that was all concentrated sugar. I'm going to celebrate the success. I feel pretty good today, no headaches and more energy. I'm unsure if the lack of caffeine or the green smoothies are responsible for the energy. I'll take it though. I should have taken before and after pictures of my daughter's bedroom,but it's been an all weekend project. It feels good to get some organizing done. So, my goals for this week are:

1) keep up with the green smoothies.
2) exercise 3 times this week in addition to my 4 days of stair walking.
3) do yoga with Elleri at least once.
4) floss before bed daily
5) drink lots of water
6) clean out the laundry room.

The last one is about my mental health. When my house is organized and sorted I feel more relaxed when I'm in it. Elleri's bedroom was the biggest area of issue, the laundry is next. My closet is on that list also, maybe for next week.

Well, there it is - we'll see how I do. I'm feeling hopeful and ready.
Happy Valentine's Day!

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