Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Crud

I'm sick. I don't get sick very often or easily. All those years of working in an ER I suppose. However - sick I am. I still have good things about this day tho:

1) I was mostly in my office alone today and I got a lot done.
2) My husband and my eldest took care of all the chores today. They took care of me. They allowed me to just crawl into bed when I got home. My honey even gave me a back rub to help me relax. It is so amazing to be loved by the men in my home. My nap was lovely.
3) I had some really nice quality time with E this afternoon going to his drum lessons. I just really enjoy him and he cares about me deeply. He showed awareness and tried to take care of me too. He has good examples.
4) I love that my best friend called. Just because I'm loved.
5) The day is rounded out with Elleri all snuggled up with me in my bed. She buries her head onto me and tells me I'm the most 'comfortable thing ever'. I'll take it.

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